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4 Years Later
Wednesday, March 13, 2019 | 0 cute people(s)
So, here we are again. 4 yrs later after my last post. You must've been wondering What ThE hELL HaPpeNed in those years?! Guess what? Diploma happened. and Twitter. Yup, twitter has become my new rant-ing blog. (Well not that I always rant in here tho. lol).

In 2016, my new life began. Diploma in Science at Jengka. My life there was pretty much,,, FUN. Like TOTALLY FUN. I met amazing friends, & soulmates. S/o to Nur Adibah as she became my soulmate, my jinxed mate, my twin basically! For real tho, 90% our minds JINXED. Like, I could just look at her for a moment & she'll know what I'm thinking about. *wink wink* Oh man I just miss that girl. lol. *GAY ALERT*

Next s/o is,,, *drum rolls* FARAH KHALIDAH FAWZIAHHHH! This girl eh, is the most bab1 ever. Hahahaha. Curse words between us? TOTALLY NORMAL. Basically I'm her anjing, & she's my bab1. Looking back, she was ALWAYS THERE with me from my first semester till our last semester. Like srsly tho. Okaylah since mood bercerita aku dh sampai..

First semester, I met these very different girls. Hazirah, Farah, & Husna. Since the first day, we basically became a group (later on joined by Kejek & Dibah). They became my roommates. Then we split up even more later, & still I ended up being very close to Farah in semester 2. Kejek & Adibah ended up being roommates too! Then  in semester 3, me & Farah became housemates. AGAIN, ended up together. Sem 4 & Sem 5, me, Farah, Hazirah, & Adibah became housemates (with other 4 of our friends). Husna joined SUKSIS, so she's in her another family. huhu. Still, we're close.

I spend my amazing moments at Jengka with these amazing creatures! 💕
Well since my lame ass weak body has started to feel the fatigue coming in due to excessive bending, imma stop my entry here. I'll continue later on. PROMISE 
Confession #1
Tuesday, July 21, 2015 | 0 cute people(s)
And yeah. Rasa mcm nk tulis lgi. Hahaha. Jarang woo aku nk berblog2 sgt ni. Kalau nk luah pape pun, aku tulis kt dlm diary. And trust me, you wouldnt want to know wht I wrote in the diary. Full of psycho thingy. Lewls.
Hm. Haritu aku ade jumpa diary akk aku. And, aku rasa kesian kt dia. Biasa la, teenagers mesti ade zaman rebellion kan? zaman sedih, parents tk suka, blah blah blah. Aku tgh lalui zaman remaja, so tau la sikit. Haha. Cuma tk sangka la, yela selama ni aku tgok abg2, akk2 aku semua okay je. Dewasa kan? Sbb lgi tua. Aku lak paling muda.. So, masa dieorang lalui saat2 rebel tu, aku masih kecik dan tak faham apa2. hm. Baru aku sedar, semuaorang lalui zaman remaja. SEMUA ORANG.

Aku tktau ape aku merepek ni. Entah ler nkk!! hahahaha. Haritu mem aku dtg rumah, pepagi buta kau. Lepas subuh. And aku tau, dia tgh stress gila. Smpai sanggup keluar kejap dri rumah, dtg rumah aku. (bukan lari rumah tau, keluar sekejap je). And time dia dtg tu, aku biarkan dia tidur jap dlm bilik aku. Time tu aku bru sedar, semuaorang ade masalah yg dieorang takleh handle. Tgok lah, org yg kuat mcm dia pun akhirnya lari dekat aku. Eh lupa, kita semua sebenarnya lemah. LEMAH. And yes, everybody should understand everybody. We need to undertand ppl, we dont know wht prob they need to face, the sufferings they have to go through. And yup, my broken english. haha! Kita kena igt, kalau kita rasa kita susah, kat luar sana lgi ramai yg susah dari kita. So, be grateful. Stop whining. If we hve the time to whine, why couldnt we steal some time to say thanks to Allah?

Ah, this post is getting weirder and weirder.
Aku igt lgi, perbualan aku dgn akk aku kt dapur.
luls. Org kata, kalau kita ada masalah, kita cuma kena senyap and luah semua kat Allah. Betul. tu mmg betul. Tapi kadang2 kita kena luah dekat manusia supaya kita boleh dpt nasihat. Nasihat tu drpda Allah juga kan? betul la, kita kena sujud and luah everything kt Dia. And trust me, tht is the best feeling ever! Crying while you sujood. Tapi, tak salah nk share kt org yg kita percaya. Kalau kita tak luah, mesti kita rasa diri kita betul and kita tak nampak apa salah kita. kalau kita cerita kat org lain, dieorang boleh betulkan kita! Betul tak?
okay, tu je kot? Haha.

P/s: I dunno wht i'm doing now. I hve such a boring life. Ugh! Tidur, mkn, baca manga pastu stalk org. And wht worse is, I STALK HIM LIKE EVERYDAY! I'm such a creepy girl. (I guess it's time for me to stop stalking and move along my life. MOVE ON DUDE, seriously. sheesh)

Tuesday, June 9, 2015 | 0 cute people(s)
Fuh. Lama sungguh tk update. Haha. Yeah, my previous post is kinda,,, gloomy. Pfft. I'm sorry. Well, people moved on right? Yeayy! I have~ ahahaha. Guess wht? I 'fall' in love w this guy. Well,, it's more like, love towards a friend. I think. Haha.
Kiteorang rapat. Yeah, rapat. Aku rasa dh mcm bestfriend. Tpi mcm biasa, kalau lelaki ngn puang berkawan mesti one of them fall in love right? And yeah, this time, It's ME who'd fall. Haha. Tak pernah terfikir kot. Okay, chat punya chat. Dh rpt, smpai dikatakan everyday ler contact. Bukannya ckp benda penting pun. Just share ape yg kiteorang buat. Wasted right? Serious buang masa gila. Tahun lepas la, teruk. Ya Allah. Then, lama kelamaan aku rasa bersalah. Aku rasa, BERDOSA. Aku dh jauh dri Allah. Hm. And akhirnya hidayah tu dtg mengetuk pintu hati aku. "I need to stop this. STOP DINIE. STOP. Duniawi ni semua. Dia fitnah bgi kau Dinie.". Yes. Then aku buat keputusan, aku kena tinggalkan dia. Yup. And at last, aku send chat yg terakhir. Paling panjang rasanya. Haha. Our friendship only lasted for abt, 1 yr. Nope. Tak smpai 1 tahun. dlm 10 bulan gitu.
Hm tpi apa2pun. Aku nk ckp terima kasih dkt 'D', sbb dh lebih kurang 'sudi' kwn dgn aku. Dari kau, aku belajar. Aku belajar yg hidup ni tk semestinya sng. Kan? And aku belajar, ada lagi yg dpt ujian lgi besar dri aku. yup. You lost both of yr parents. Me? Only my mom. Itupun aku masih dijaga rapi oleh family aku, abah, kak lya, kak syira, bang jie, bayat. Tambah lgi org2 yg syg aku mcm anak sendiri. Kau? Kena survive. Tinggal berdua dgn akk sendiri. Hm. I admit it, I MISS YOU. Tapi,

"Setiap pertemuan pasti ada perpisahan."

And yes. We've met our endings. Thnk you fr everything. Maafkan segala salah silap aku. And hey, pls feel special cause I still think of you eventhough it's been abt, 6 months after I kinda 'left' you. xD
I still remember your favs and your hates. Hey, susah okay aku nk igt benda2 ni semua? Luls.
Apa2pun, aku bersyukur sbb Allah dh beri peringatan dkt aku. Dh beri hidayah. Bukan sng nk dpt tau? So, kita kena bersyukur. Bersyukur sbb kita lahir sebagai Islam, sbgai umat Nabi Allah, Muhammad S.A.W. Alhamdulillah. :)

P/s: Psst psst. I still dunno if you even 'had' feelings fr me. And truthfully, I feel tht, you never minded abt me. ahahaha. x'D *sad life*

diary OhYeah♥ buddies



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